Tuesday, September 30, 2014

WALKing to a Different Tune

Last year, for the Houston Hydrocephalus Association (HA) WALK, Team Emma Lee raised $1,355. Our goal was $957 - the number of days old Emma would be the day of the WALK. I was overwhelmed that we had so much support and thrilled to have done so well our first year.

Team Emma Lee had an astonishing year this year. Now, in our second year in participating in an HA WALK, we had a goal of $1,328 - again the number of days old Emma would be the day of the WALK. Only this time, I was also Co-Chairing the inaugural DFW WALK. Because the WALK would be local, I also had a goal of having four others join the team and attend the event with us. For the entire team, I set a goal of $3,000 - the number of years old Emma would be the day of the WALK. I was hopeful that we would again reach our goal, but I had no idea how far we would exceed it.

When all was said and done, Team Emma Lee was tied for third place for the number of team members: TWENTY-ONE! I was so thankful that so many wonderful friends and family were there to support her this year. Not only did we have one of the teams with the most members, but Team Emma Lee took the trophy for the most money raised by any team. We not only exceeded our Team goal of $3,000, we nearly tripled it with a final number of $8,743!

The entire WALK had over 500 people in attendance and raised over $54,000!!! When the goal was originally set for $18,000, it was amazing to see our group triple that goal as well. I would like to personally thank the other two Co-Chairs and volunteers - this event would not have been possible without all of them. We had an amazing group of people that really pulled together and got everything done despite the minimal setbacks we had on the morning of the WALK.

I'm already excited about the WALK next year. It will be nice to do this again after having one event under our belt. We learned so much and plan to have an even better event next year!

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