Thursday, May 2, 2013

SpiritHorse Theraputic Center

Emma had her first experience with hippotherapy yesterday morning at SpiritHorse Therapeutic Center. I had been looking forward to it ever since she was placed on their waiting list at the end of February earlier this year. I knew the therapy would be beneficial to her with regards to improving her balance, coordination, and understanding of movement. I also hoped it would feed her ever growing curiosity, and it seemed to do that and so much more. In her first hour of therapy, she had many first time experiences. First, we learned about the horse she would be riding. His name was Peter Pan, and he was a twenty-four year old Welsh pony gelding who loved showing affection by licking like a really big puppy.

Peter Pan

After introductions were complete, it was time to start getting both Emma and Peter Pan ready for their adventure. Emma got to wear a helmet again! But this one was a pink English riding helmet with a horse on it. Peter Pan had to be brushed and fitted with a purple blanket with elephants on it, an extra small saddle, and his bridle. He also got to wear a special handle on the saddle with buttons on it that say "GO!" and "Stop" for Emma to learn how to use. This way she would learn how to control what Peter Pan did on their rides. Emma was reluctant to help get him ready this first time, so she supervised. Once everyone was ready, it was time to begin the adventure!

Ready, set, GO!

Emma did such a great job! She completed one and a half laps before she was tired and ready to end the adventure. On those laps, she saw some beautiful scenery filled with all kinds of surprises. There were other kids riding their horses, bunnies playing tag, dogs running around, a pig that was bigger than her, fish swimming in a water bucket, and birds flying around singing about what a wonderful day it was. With so much to look at and listen to, it was hard at times for Emma to remain focused on staying on Peter Pan as he walked her around it all. At the end of their adventure, Emma dismounted ready to be held and relax. But there was still one thing left for her to do before we could leave - she had to thank Peter Pan for such a nice ride. For a reward, Peter Pan loves sugar cubes. He graciously gobbled them down, although Emma seemed a bit unsure of his table manners.

Peter Pan enjoying his sugar cube reward.

I'm looking forward to watching Emma progress as she becomes more comfortable at the SpiritHorse ranch with all her new friends. She will gain more strength in her neck with the added weight of her riding helmet as well as her core from balancing during her ride. She will also be improving her endurance as we build up to longer adventures in the coming weeks. But most importantly, she will improve her balance and coordination as she works to be more independent during her therapy rides. All of these things will get us one "step" closer to her first steps!

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